Tomb, Hermit and Stone Circle Maps & Locations – Assassin’s Creed Origins
Don’t want to pay 400 Helix credits for the time saver pack? These maps have every stone circle, tomb and hermit location detailed!
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Alexandria!
Atef-Pehu Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Atef-Pehu Nome!
Black Desert
1 hermit and two tombs in Black Desert
- Ra-Horakhty Mountain Top in the north
- Nomarch’s Tomb in the south
- Seshem.eff Er Aat in the south
Desheret Desert
Two tombs in Desheret Desert!
- Seth-Ant Tomb in the south
- Qeneb too Kah’Aiye in the south
One hermit, two tombs, and two stone circles in Faiyum!
- Eremites Hideout in the south
- Nomarch’s Tomb in the west (technically in Black Desert)
- Seshem.eff Er Aat in the west (technically in Black Desert)
- Taweret Stone Circle in the north
- Pisces Stone Circle in the east
Faiyum Oasis
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Faiyum Oasis!
5 tombs in giza!
- Adorer of Thoth Tomb in the northwest
- Tomb of Menkaure in the south
- Tomb of Khafre in central Giza
- Tomb of Khufu in north Giza
- Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Poo in east Giza
Great Green Sea
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in the Great Green Sea!
Great Sand Sea
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in the Great Sand Sea!
Green Mountains
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Green Mountains!
Haueris Nome
3 tombs in Haueris Nome!
- Tomb of Amenemhat III in the west
- Eeyoo Sekedoo Aat in the southest
- Tomb of Smenkhkare in the southeast
Herakleion Nome
1 hermit in Herakleion Nome, Demesne of Sekhem
Im-Khet Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Im-Khet Nome!
Iment Nome
Two stone circles in Iment Nome
- Serqet Stone Circle in northwest Iment Nome
- Divine Lion Stone Circle in southeast Iment Nome
Ineb Hedjet Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Ineb Hedjet Nome!
Isolated Desert
Three tombs and two stone circles in Isolated Desert
- Goat Fish Stone Circle in the northwest
- Tomb of the Nomads in the northwest
- Apis Stone Circle in the southeast
- Oun-mAa Niye Ressoot in the east
- Golden Tomb in the east
Ka-Khem Nome
1 stone circle in Ka-Khem Nome, Hathor Stone Circle.
Kanopos Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Kanopos Nome!
Khensu Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Khensu Nome!
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Kyrenaika!
Lake Mareotis
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Lake Mareotis
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Libue!
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Marmarica!
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Memphis!
Mesogeios Sea
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Mesogeios Sea!
1 Hermit in Paraitonion – Ogdamos
Qattara Depression
One hermit and one stone circle in Qattara Depression
- Osiris Stone Circle in the west
- Aquifer Oasis hermit in the west
Sapi Res Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Sapi Res Nome!
Sap-Meh Nome
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in Sap-Meh Nome!
Saqqara Nome
Two tombs in Saqqare Nome!
- Tomb of Sneferu in the south
- Tomb of Djoser in the north
One stone circle and one tomb in Siwa!
- Mountain of the Dead Tomb in the north west
- Amun Stone Circle in the south west
Uab Nome
Two stone circles and one tomb in Uab Nome!
- Horus Stone Circle in north Uab Nome
- The Scales Stone Circle in east Uab Nome
- Tomb of the Cynic in West Uab Nome
White Desert
No stone circles, tombs or hermits in White Desert
White Desert Oasis
One stone circle, The Great Twins Stone Circle, in White Desert Oasis
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