EX Champion Urbosa’s Song Walkthrough and Trial Locations – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

EX Champion Urbosa’s Song

The scattered One-Hit Obliterator led you to a location where a stone monument with a map of trials appeared. Kass’s song seems related…

  • Trial 1, “fight the brute of the sand”
  • Trial 2, chase rings upon the land
  • Trial 3, throw the orb underground

Champion Urbosa’s Trial 1 Location

fight the brute of the sand

Defeat the Molduking boss west of Kass, on the eastern edge of the Gerudo desert.


Defeating the Muldoking opens up the Big or Small – Keive Tala Shrine

Big or Small – Keive Tala Shrine


Champion Urbosa’s Trial 2 Location

chase rings upon the land

Steal a sand seal from Gerudo town, and head northwest. You will see an isolated blue circle in the desert. Follow the series of blue circles to unlock the Takema Shiri Shrine.

Dual Purpose – Takema Shiri Shrine


Champion Urbosa’s Trial 3 Location

throw the orb underground

Travel to the Yiga Clan Hideout, north of the Gerudo Tower. There is a huge hole in the ground, this is your goal line. Sneak into the hideout, avoid the guards, and on the second level of the only room with guards is a glowing orb. Sneak back outside with the orb and throw it into the giant pit.


Inside the Box – Kihiro Moh Shrine

You are supposed to count the number of orbs in the rotating box, and drop the colored orb in its’ corresponding counter.

1 red, 2 green, 2 yellow, 4 purple.

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